Cyber Sale Psychosis feature |
Azure Skylarking

Cyber Sale Psychosis | And the Joy of Finding a Book

Unlike Tiffany Albright in the Color Book Mysteries, shopping is not my thing.


Not a big fan of the retail therapy, but I do, however, enjoy finding a bargain.

So I wasted hours on deceptive CyBeR MoNdAy sales tactics that led to out of stock products. Strained a few eye muscles, may have developed Carpal tunnel syndrome and lost my ability to remember things. If all that were not enough, tragically (although not tragic), I very nearly bought the wrong suitcase.

But just as I was falling, falling, falling prey to the dreaded cyber sale psychosis, I made a joyous discovery!

Cyber Sale Psychosis while shopping the Amazon |

A used copy of AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country available on Amazon!

As counter-intuitive as getting a rush from finding a used copy of my book for sale by a vendor who will in no way share any of his gains with me may seem, the discovery did make me giddy enough to do this…

Cyber Sale Psychosis in an Amazon bookstore |

That’s right. I screenshot then Christmas stickers the poo out of that screenshot with Santa, tree and chair.


Seeing AZURE tucked into those 200 pages with Shakespeare and the Hunger Games and, yes, Marley as a puppy, gave me a wacky delusion of shelf cred.


Particular, maybe. But I’m owning it! Bam!

Cyber Shelf Cred!



Cyber Sale Psychosis & the Joy of Finding a Book graphic |


M Witt McCarty [writer of murder mysteries] logo |

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