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Color Book Mysteries

Online Reviews | Top Three Reasons to Write One

We’re all busy.

That’s what makes online reviews are so spectacular!

In a flick of time, and with the right app on our gadget, we have a world of info at our disposal. Even better, the information is provided by living people with real opinions. So, before we eat, stay or read, we can make an instant, informed decision.

Bam! Disastrous one-star experience, avoided.

But again, we’re all busy. And taking the time to write a review may not fit into our schedule.

I feel ya. I’m right there too.

That’s why I’d like to float three reasons why we should write online reviews out there.


Top Three Reasons to Write an Online Review


1) Online reviews are now, basically, word of mouth.


Amazon 5-star Review from Amber |

If you like something (like AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country) tell your friends on social media and strangers on review platforms like Amazon.

I have several real-life readers whose opinion I trust. One is my mother. She reads a huge volume of books and generally she brings me tomes she thinks I’ll enjoy. Nine times out of ten, she’s spot on!

Still, before I crack the spine, I go to Goodreads and scan the reviews.

All I’m saying is, if you can’t trust your mother…


2) Online purveyors like to know what their customers think.


Amazon 5-star Review from Sue |

So tell us! That way we can gloat or cry.

Making AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country available on Amazon was one of the most frightening things I’ve done. In recent memory.

It took me almost ten years, fifteen full edits and dozens of early readers telling me I had a good book, to finally decide to pull the trigger. Like getting a spa treatment, I’ve wondered since why it took me so long to put AZURE out there because my readers reviews have been so much fun to read!


3) The more reviews a product or service receives, the better.


Amazon 5-star Review from Lori |

The more reviews, the more exposure for the product.

So if you love a restaurant, a resort or novel let the world know! Make a difference in the life of the wares. Similarly, if you’re meh, would be consumers want to know that too.

Any amount of stars you choose is a good thing. Other folks checking online for reviews are trusting you to be forthright and honest.

I would ask, as one having been on the receiving end of a 2-star online review, please take the extra second to write some sort of comment, especially if you are leaving a low rating. I had to tell my sweet mama that my 2-star reviewer must not like stories set in Texas, to deflect her ire from someone she felt insulted me personally to someone who, bless their heart, has a thing against Texas.

This, my friends, could all have been avoided with a simple comment : )



M Witt McCarty [writer of murder mysteries] logo |

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So get out there and review stuff!

For anyone who has read my Color Book Mysteries, please consider writing a review on Amazon, Goodreads or the app of your choice.


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