Signed Copy | Leaving a Mark | Featured | MWittMcCarty,com
Color Book Mysteries

Signed Copy | Leaving a Mark

Isn’t it fun to get a signed copy of a book?

I think it is. Meeting the author who penned the book I’m about to read is cool. Especially when they have a minute to visit. Conversing with a writer can lead to a better understanding of the work.

The bright side of being early in my mystery writing escapade is I always have time to chat when someone wants me to sign their copy of a Color Book Mystery.

Signed copy of AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country |

There really only seems to be one thing that matters when I sign someone’s copy of AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country, and that’s getting their name right on the inscription.

So far, so good : )

As you may know, like the main character of my mystery series, Maeve Clarke, I’m a graphic designer.

Which means I spend way more time than necessary making sure I have the perfect pen. And experimenting beyond reason with the best way to actually write the words for my inscriptions. Don’t even get me started on the whole cursive v printed internal debate. (Answer: some of each).

But I will not apologize for this, because it is what it is.

At least it was…

Enter, destiny.

The Signed Copy evolves.

I showed up ready to my first author event at The Ridge and then again at my second at Schreiner University, perfectly pleased with my choice of azure inked pen. It made a nice line yet did not bleed through the paper. The layout of the cover page allows the ideal space to write a personalized note and to sign. I was happy and felt all was right at my book signing gigs.

Until, suddenly, I discovered this book-signing, life-altering device and realized I was phoning it in.

It’s an Embosser, people!

Embossing makes everything better! | Signed Copy |

Honestly, it was love at first sight.

Then I couldn’t not buy this embosser when I found it offered a shape similar to the one I use here on my website AND the same font from AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country!

Here it is in action.

Dang it!

It’s impossible to see the emboss on the video.

And I will not reveal how much time I just wasted making that eleven second video. Geez : )

Here is how the embossing looks on paper.

Embossed page |

Obviously, I took a writing detour on this, but no worries.

BLONDE is happening!

My subscribers will be the first to know when it’ll be released! hint hint ~ you can sign up below.

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Would you like your copy of AZURE or any other Color Book Mystery inscribed and embossed?

I’ve already signed a number of books, without the benefit of my fabulous embosser.

If yours is one, and you’d like to rectify that unfortunate situation, then please email so we can get together. If you live too far away to meet for a stamp, email me anyway and let’s figure something out.

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