Merry Christmas Snow Globe AZURE Printable |
Azure Free Treats

Merry Christmas Snow Globe | AZURE Printable

Merry Christmas, my AZURE reading amigos and snow globe aficionados!

Merry Christmas and a snow globe |

Santa made a brief appearance in a snow globe in AZURE Death in the Texas Hill County.

The knick-knack was a Secret Santa gift to Linc Vittore from the book’s protagonist Maeve Clarke.

When we join her at Bytes & Beverages in Fredericksburg, she is missing her friend and regretting not saying good-bye.

“It’s a snow globe!” Maeve said. She shook the thing. “I love this!” Snow swirled wildly. “I’ve never seen a snow globe of Dallas before. Thank you! I’m going to keep it on my desk.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Linc’s smile made his eyes squinty and his laugh lines more obvious.

“And there’s Santa,” she said. The jolly ole elf zipped by in his sleigh before disappearing back into the storm. “You know,” Maeve said, “he sorta looks like you.”

“Give me that,” Linc said.

She extended the tchotchke and he took it. “Hmm. He does.”

“I told ya.”

“This way I can keep an eye on you. Make sure you’re behaving yourself.”

“Dang,” she said and they laughed.

AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country, chapter twenty-one

We, although heart-broken, need not harbor such regrets since we can flip back to page one to bid this blue-eyed character farewell.


Santa Claus is Coming to Color!

As I prepare to spend a chilly and hopefully sunny holiday with my family, I’m counting my blessings.

I am thankful for you, for reading and enjoying AZURE. And hopefully sharing it with your friends.

So, to show my appreciation, I have drawn you this snow globe printable that’s free to download and fun to color.

Free AZURE Printable! Merry Christmas Snow Globe |

Santa in his Dallas Snow Globe is available for as a FREE Printable!


Here Comes Santa Claus’ Gallery

It’s come to my attention that the tartan is tricky to color. Sorry, people! I tried to incorporate the MacTavish plaid : )


It’s important to note, pictures optimized for the web are not usually great for printing. They will almost always come out grainy and pixely.

You can download a high resolution PDF version of this AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country Santa Snow Globe for FREE!

Simply follow this link.


Link to FREE Color Book Mysteries Printables |

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HO HO HO! Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Email me your finished pages and I’ll add them to Santa’s gallery.

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