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Dairy Queen Sweet Tea | Hazel’s Drink of Choice

Hazel Lampton has a weakness for Dairy Queen sweet tea.

So much so, in AZURE Death in the Texas Hill Country, she sets a road trip back hours by insisting they stop at every DQ between Dallas and Fredericksburg.

Naturally, Hazel has her reasons. As she tells her traveling companion Maeve Clarke (in an affected Texas drawl),

Guess I shouldn’t get a drink every time we stop to go to the restroom. Just seems rude not to buy anythang.

This is something Hazel and I have in common : )


Looking for a Dairy Queen Sweet Tea location near you?

Here’s a map.

Dairy Queens across Texas where you can buy Sweet Tea | MWittMcCarty.com

hee hee. Okay, click on the photo ^^^ for the real interactive map.


M Witt McCarty [writer of murder mysteries] logo | MWittMcCarty.com

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Do you have a favorite DQ?

Let me know where it is so I can stop off for a sweet tea.


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